And just as we think we're getting the shop how we want it, bang on time the disaster arrives. Yesterday morning we opened up the shop to find the base of our planted tank display had cracked and was leaking water quite heavily.
It's being sorted, but it's going to take a couple of weeks. We have put the plants currently in some of our old tropical fish sales tanks, but it's far from ideal.
So we need plants out and in your beautiful aquariums ASAP as we have another delivery in tomorrow that we can't cancel. So we're offering to 3 aquatic plants for the price of 2 and asking/begging you to come and help us out. Of course, aquatic plants are what we specialise in and we'll make sure the ones we have are well cared for, but we want perfect and our make shift tanks aren't. We'd much prefer for you to have them. Hope to see you soon.
F.I.S.H. Aquatics Store, Birstall, Leicester.